Material flows

The current circular economy companies in the region are interested in partners who utilise various material flows. We are always on the lookout for new operators in our network. Circular Economy is one of the key projects of the Vaasa region, which makes establishing a company in the area easy and straightforward.

 Does your company have solutions for the utilisation, for example, of the following materials?

 ·      Concrete and brick refuse from demolished buildings and structures

·      Used insulation, such as mineral and glass wool

·      Glass fibre refuse

·      Various plastics waste

·      PVC – pipes, inspection chambers, access covers, etc.

·      Clothes and textiles

·      Food waste

·      Products covered by product liability, such as tyres, batteries (single use, rechargeable, lead-acid, etc.), glass bottles and jars, electrical and electronic waste, packaging, newspapers and cardboard, etc.

